Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Release Day Blitz ~ Snow by Krissy V

 Release Day Blitz  - Snow - Krissy V  
Author - Krissy V
Book - Snow
Event Date - 25th April
Hosted by Hooked on books & Cherry0Blossoms Promotions

Whiskey Sour, #2

Snow is an elegant, classically trained, ballet dancer and has the potential to become a ‘Prima Ballerina’.

After coming home from a world tour to find that she has been betrayed by the one person she loved the most, she has to start her life all over again...

This time it’s not just herself she has to consider.

Spence is a hard, tough guy who is trying to change his life for the better. He has been through a tough childhood and the last thing he thinks he deserves is Snow. His beautifully elegant Snow.

Opposites really do attract!

When Snow has a chance meeting with Whiskey, she becomes ‘Whiskey Sours’ favourite girl.

Whiskey Sour, #1

The Sweet Girls of Whiskey Sour

Where The Girls Are Sweet, But Their Dancing Is Not!

Whiskey Sour is an unusual place for such a diverse group of women to meet. It’s a very classy burlesque club in London’s Soho! You’ll find the most amazing women whose dancing is sensual, sexual and beautiful. Each of them have their own style and their own story to tell. You are invited to come along and meet each of the ‘Sweet Girls of Whiskey Sour’ and find out the journeys they have been on to become the women they are now.

Whiskey - First Book in Series

When Whiskey runs away from home she has no idea what will happen to her. She goes through things that nightmares are made of, but makes ‘friends for life’ along the way. Fed up of running away from everything, she decides to stand up and be counted. Her philosophy is “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!”

Sawyer Callahan has Whiskey for one night. That’s all it takes for him to fall for this sassy, beautiful, sexy woman. What lengths will he go to to find her? Will he find her in time? Will she want him if he does?

Follow Whiskey’s harrowing story as she embarks on her own Whiskey Sour journey to become owner and the namesake of ‘Whiskey Sour’. She comes from the school of hard knocks. She is sassy, headstrong and becomes a mentor and confidante to her burlesque dancing protégés... 

Whiskey Sour is her salvation and it too, soon becomes a haven for women who need rescuing from their own pasts.
WARNING: Due to sexual situations and adult content, this dark romance thriller series is not intended for readers under the age of 18, and anyone who is unable to read books containing, kidnapping, murder, rape, and extreme abuse. **




Get Your ticket now .... http://bit.ly/1Y5cTp1

<3<3<3 <3







Friday, June 17, 2016

.¸.•*´¨ Book Tour ~ Crossover by Mireille Chester ¨`*•.¸.

Author: Mireille Chester http:www.mireillechester.com
Title: Crossover (The Chosen One Trilogy: book one)
Genre: Fantasy Romance
Publication Date: June 8, 2015


      Twenty-three-year-old Hayden Carlson never led an exciting life, but that was how she preferred it. She never expected that an innocent trail ride in the woods would change her life forever.
      Suddenly Hayden is pulled into a world she never knew existed and discovers a future awaits her there she isn't prepared to accept...until she meets the mysterious Jasper. Drawn to his quiet, conflicted spirit and entranced by his blue eyes, Hayden finds herself experiencing feelings she has never felt before and wondering where all this might lead.
      Hayden's presence in Quelondain creates tension. Amidst constant danger, she finds true love and through it all determines where she will take her stand in the conflict her arrival ignites between good and evil.
      If you love fantasy, action, and romance, Crossover-Book One in a debut Fantasy Romance trilogy by Mireille Chester-is for you.

Buy Link:



It’s hard to believe that at one point life had seemed dull, boring, average and uneventful. That was the way I liked it. My life was routine--one day at a time with no extra fuss. Everything I did was so uneventful that, for the most part, I didn’t even dream, or at least I didn’t have any dreams that I could remember. My days followed a simple rhythm. I got up every Monday morning, took a shower, ate breakfast, and headed to school. There, I sat and suffered for eight hours. I was in my first year of classes for veterinary medicine. Now, don’t get me wrong, I loved my coursework. The reason I felt like I was suffering was because those eight hours stood between me and Dodge.
Dodge was my thirteenth birthday present. He’d been a goofy looking weanling with long legs and soft eyes. He’d stood looking up at me from his stall with a big green bow tied around his neck. He was perfect.
You see, I’d been riding since I was eight and begging for a horse since I could talk. Before he’d given me my horse, my dad had told me I had to prove to him that I was going to stick with it. That hadn’t been hard to do. I can’t begin to count the arguments we’ve had about the fact that I spend most of my free time with Dodge.
Dodge is now ten and I’m twenty-three. He has grown into a beautiful, muscular horse and I’m, well, I’m happy with life as it is. Just me and Dodge. It’s not that I’m not interested in men. I’ve had one fairly serious relationship that lasted a year and a half. At least I thought it was serious. When I think back on it now, it’s hard to believe I’d thought he was the most amazing guy. Well, he was, until I loaned him my truck for a weekend and found a very nice pair of lacy underwear that didn’t belong to me under the seat the next day. They say Canadians are sweet, polite, and will forgive anything and everything. Yeah. Apparently, I didn’t get the memo.
I’ve had a few other boyfriends, but most of them didn’t understand why I’d rather go to the barn on a Friday night instead of going to the bar. The thought of going out and being paraded around just isn’t my thing, and I’ll admit that some of it probably has to do with my personal image of myself. I don’t put myself in the “beautiful people” category.
My slightly wavy dark brown hair that falls to the middle of my back is never done. I prefer ponytails and baseball hats. I also don’t have the greatest body. At five-foot-four, I’m kind of thin and seriously lacking curves. Of course, I don’t really dress to flatter, either. My wardrobe consists of Wranglers, t- shirts, and tank tops, though I do own one dress. My dad made me buy it for my cousin’s wedding when I was seventeen. It’s been worn as little as possible since then. I think my best feature is my eyes. They’re a deep green with gold and grey specs and long eyelashes. No mascara for me. Well, no makeup, period. I always end up smearing it because I forget I’m wearing it.
You’re probably getting tired of hearing about me, but I need you to understand one thing before I get on with this story. I’ve always been a loner, that person who is never comfortable around people. Now, don’t get me wrong, I like most people, but I’ve always felt like I didn’t belong. You know, like there was something very important missing.
Then one day everything changed. It was a Friday…

Author Bio:

Mireille Chester is a fantasy author who likes to spend time in made up worlds filled with magic. She is a firm believer that no hero is perfect and that all villains are burdened with a tiny shred of humanity.
Born in Ottawa, Ontario, Mireille now resides in the beautiful prairies of Saskatchewan. Wife and mother, she spends most of her time with her three children and husband. When she is not writing stories or grooming dogs, you can find her on the lake fishing with her family.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

*..♥ » Blog Tour & Giveaway ~ Melt My Heart by Marie Tuhart « ♥..*

Melt My Heart - tour header

Veterinarian Lexi Mallory wants to submit to the sexy new Dom from the club, but trauma from her past keeps getting in the way. It's a good thing Gabriel Huntington has a special way with difficult subs and sees the gorgeous Lexi as a delicious challenge. Unfortunately, Lexi fears her inability to relinquish control will finally test Garbriel's patience and he'll end their contract. Can Lexi lower her barriers and allow Gabriel's touch to melt her heart?


WLK excerpt

Gabriel stood. “I’m not going to walk away, Lexi.” He stepped over to her. “I’m in it for the long run.” He gathered her into his arms.

Lexi gazed up at his handsome features. Then he lowered his head. His lips were firm, but gentle. Oh, they’d kissed before, but something was different about this one. His tongue traced her lips before she parted them and his tongue dived in.

Her arms went around his neck, her fingers tangled in his soft hair. He tasted like tea, and she sighed into his mouth. One hand grasped the back of her neck, holding her still as he plundered her mouth, his tongue dueling with hers. He took complete and total control, and it didn’t bother her like she thought it would.

When he broke the kiss, she was hot and her panties moist.

Gabriel gazed down at her with passion in his eyes. “That was just a taste of what I can give you, if you allow it.” He withdrew his arms from around her waist.

“Oh shit,” she whispered, before forcing her hands from his hair. She picked up her purse and fled. Did she just let the tiger out? Or did she willingly walk into the tiger’s cage?    

WLK Author Bio

Marie Tuhart can't remember a time when she didn't have a book in her hands. A voracious reader since childhood, she has a TBR pile so big that she finally gave up and rented storage space! Though her family doesn’t really understand the stacks of books in her study, or the way Marie will stare off into space when she's thinking of yet another sexy scene between her hero and heroine, they support her completely in her writing endeavors.

She began writing at 19, and in 1994 decided to join RWA and get serious about publishing. When she isn't reading or writing, Marie loves to spend time in bookstores. A world traveler, she enjoys searching out corners of the glove she hasn't experienced yet. While still totally open to finding her own tall, dark and handsome, she is certainly enjoying the journey.

Her Aries Sun makes her impatient, courageous, and something of a daredevil. Her Virgo Moon makes her exacting and a perfectionist for that telling detail. And best of all, her Scorpio Ascendant gives her a cat-like curiosity for more than one sexy walk on the wild, dark side which she really likes to use in her erotic novels.

"My dream," she says, "is to give readers as much pleasure with my erotic romance stories as my reading has given to me. That, for me, will be true success."

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Marie-Tuhart-230032191349/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/marietuhart

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/marietuhart/

Blog: http://escapetoaneroticfantasy.blogspot.com

Amazon: http://amzn.to/1PnwpIe

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4190063.Marie_Tuhart    

WLK Giveaway


presented by WLKBookPromotions.com